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Multilingual and brain resources

Does being multilingual divert brain resources away from other areas of development?

The idea that multilingual kids spend too much of their brain resources on language learning and that this takes away from other areas of development is a common misconception. In fact, research suggests that learning multiple languages can have positive effects on cognitive development, including enhanced executive function and attentional control. Multilingual children can develop language and literacy skills at a similar rate to monolingual children and may even have advantages in certain aspects of language learning. Any challenges that arise from being multilingual are usually temporary.

"Although there is still a common belief that being multilingual diverts brain resources away from other areas of development, I have not observed any difficulties or delays in Lou's development. At 2 years and 9 months, she is performing at the same level as other children her age in areas such as movement, music, painting, drawing, and engagement in games and activities. However, what sets Lou apart is her remarkable ability to understand concepts quickly and excel in problem-solving, even at her young age. She often proposes alternative solutions to problems, which can be both amusing and insightful. It is impressive how her mind can come up with creative and effective solutions that adults might not have considered due to overthinking. One possible explanation for Lou's exceptional mental agility and resourcefulness is that she has daily exposure to different languages and cultures through interacting with various people. It's like her brain is a linguistic gymnast, constantly performing mental splits and flips to keep up with the linguistic and cultural diversity around her. "

For more 👉 Multilingual education



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