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La parola "shampoo" ha origine in India, dove veniva utilizzato un metodo per lavare i capelli chiamato "champu". Questo termine deriva dalla lingua hindi "chāmpo", che significa "massaggio con olio". Il termine "champu" venne introdotto in Europa dagli inglesi nel XVIII secolo, ma venne inizialmente usato come verbo per indicare l'azione di lavare i capelli. Successivamente, il termine venne trasformato in sostantivo e diventò "shampoo".

Indovina in che lingua è!
  1. champú
  2. shampooing
  3. Shampoo
  4. shampoo
  5. xampu
  6. shampoo
  7. шампунь (shampun')
  8. シャンプー (shampū)
  9. 샴푸 (syam-pu)
  10. 洗发水 (xǐ fà shuǐ)

EN- In the mystical land of India, people were already in the know about keeping their hair looking luscious. They created a hair washing method called "champu", which involved a soothing oil massage. This technique sounded so exotic and fancy, the English just had to get their hands on it. They brought it over to Europe and turned "champu" into a verb to describe the act of washing hair. Then, they decided to add a little pizzazz and transformed it into a noun, calling it "shampoo". And thus, the world was bestowed with a hair cleansing concoction that made everyone feel like royalty.

Palabras curiosas Edelvives, colleción Alcancía, illustraciones de Elia Manero

Soluzione al quiz
  1. Spanish
  2. French
  3. German
  4. Italian
  5. Portuguese
  6. Dutch
  7. Russian
  8. Japanese
  9. Korean
  10. Chinese (Mandarin)


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